Taranis officials say its technology leverages a database of more than 1 million threat species to crops.
Taranis’ system analyzes ultra-high-resolution images of crops to detect early signs of diseases, insect infestations, nutrient deficiencies, water damage, and other risk factors
The PrecisionAg® Alliance and its Partner organizations are proud to announce the recipients of the PrecisionAg® Awards of Excellence for 2020.
Taranis has announced its agreement with UPL Ltd., a multinational agrochemical company and one of the five largest agricultural solutions companies worldwide, for exclusive monitoring of UPL’s sugarcane acreage across Brazil.
Scouting is a reconnaissance mission — we hope we never see anything when we are out there, but we know the likelihood of something go wrong is high. That’s why we scout — we’re never sure when problems are going to arise.
If planting intentions hold through the spring, agronomists and crop scouts will be scrutinizing a lot of corn acres this year.