Never, in the history of agriculture, have farmers and the advisors who serve them, had access to the management opportunity they do today. Sure, data has been collected and stored, but what IS data without action? Numbers. Another file to save?
AI-powered crop intelligence transforms data into information that can be used to develop management plans for the growing season – the transition turns extensive datasets into extensive opportunities…for retailer-farmer communication, for next season’s management strategy and long-term profitability.
Taranis is proud to be leading the AI-powered crop intelligence charge.
Here are the #top5 ways ag retailers can take advantage of Taranis to put AI-powered crop intelligence at the fingertips of their agronomy and sales teams, as well as the farmers they serve. Taranis takes away the question marks at the end of the growing season, and positions ag retail AND farm operations for profitability even in a downward trending ag economy.
Taranis captures industry-leading ultra-high-resolution imagery of every acre in a field that allows for unprecedented detail – never before have images of not only insects but the chew patterns of insects been delivered. It’s truly a see-it-to-believe-it solution to in-season crop pressure identification. In agriculture, details are crucial; no other service delivers details like Taranis. With six flights throughout the growing season, Taranis provides the oversight needed to protect crop health and the financial investment of inputs all season long.
Seeing is believing. Having threats identified is game-changing! Taranis has leveraged an expansive library of proprietary high-resolution images to train its AI model. The outcome is highly accurate identification and annotation of both the crop and potential threats – think post-plant stand counts, canopy closure, and the very first glimpse of yield-robbing diseases. Taranis’ AI can do more than differentiate between crops and weeds, it can identify the weeds.
Taranis captures and identifies everything that happens in the field in near real-time. The automated process turns those impressive raw images into information and insights that help an ag retail team member decide when and where inputs will deliver the best results and value, when machine adjustments need to be made and what a nutrient management plan both in-season and post growing season needs to look like.
If you’ve made it to the third bullet point, we don’t have to tell you that Taranis has changed scouting forever. In fact, Taranis takes the scouting completely out of an ag retail team’s workload and replaces it with ground truthing. Your team has the insights that create the direction both a pickup and the four-wheeler need to head. You’ve also got the details of exactly what you’re looking for. Your team’s job: find it, verify it, communicate with the farmer and create a plan.
Timeliness is the driver of production agriculture. There are no do-overs without consequences both to yield and the bottom line. And equally important to the impressive insights Taranis delivers, the timeliness with which our team delivers insights is unparalleled. Near real-time is a phrase you’ll see frequently associated with Taranis. After images are captured, the insights will be on your Taranis dashboard in about 24 hours, to enable same-day ground truthing and response time.
Accurate insights paired with incredible timeliness ensure you’re never leaving the opportunity to save the farmers you work with yield and money!
Leaf-level insights delivered all season long build an indisputable game tape of information and the play-by-play events that lead to the numbers reflected on the yield monitor and on your farm’s balance sheet. The digital record is unbiased and never misses including a recorded insight.
Taranis puts the “precise” in precision agriculture. The detailed information on record will help to build the prescription plans for 2025, validate the in-season decisions and recommendations your team made in 2024 and help comprehensively improve field management plans for the coming crop rotation and growing season.
Discover the insights from southwest Wisconsin’s Premier Cooperative’s Sales Agronomist, Phil Thony, as he discusses the transformative impact of AI-driven insights in agriculture. Gain valuable perspectives on the shift towards digital scouting and the game-changing potential of Taranis in field management. Explore the prospects and challenges of adopting new technologies in farming for enhanced crop intelligence and customer service.
With an eye in the sky so powerful defoliation can be matched to the insect that caused it, Taranis’ AI-powered crop intelligence doesn’t just deliver data—the tool delivers insights, information, and, ultimately, action plans. Taranis’ value propositions have been nearly limitless, with operations finding ROI in having insights at their fingertips for accelerated decision-making.
“The difference between crop scouting and crop intelligence can be related to having a basket of berries or having a baked berry pie, sliced and ready-to-eat on a plate in front of you,” says Mark Bradke, Iowa-based Taranis Regional Account Manager. “I would rather have the pie.”