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Focusing on advisor and growers, stay up-to-date on advice, trends, and tools to move the acre forward.

Conservation Pays: Maximizing Profitability Potential for Growers Through Conservation Practices

A new strategic partnership between Taranis and Steward Link is easing the burden of program application and validating implemented conservation practices —unlocking significant revenue potential for growers.

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Sowing Success: 5 Practical Tips for Ag Retail Branding

Branding. It’s more than a logo. Your company’s brand ultimately represents an experience; every interaction a person has with your brand is an experience: good, bad, or indifferent. From the way the chosen color palette is perceived and the emotions it evokes to the phone call that ends with what we all hope is a friendly and knowledgeable voice on the other end of the line, it all matters.

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Planting Season

The Cost of Uneven Emergence

For Central Valley Ag’s (CVA)Trevor Cox and his team, those weeks through April and into the first half of May are where the rubber meets the road. Those weeks see the recommendations that led to on-farm decisions become reality. Those weeks launch #Grow24.

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Taranis Changes the Weed Management Game Post-Dicamba Bans

In early February, a federal court determined that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had unlawfully approved dicamba for use over the top of emerged soybean and cotton crops bred to withstand the herbicide with the exception of the “existing stocks order,” allowing farmers planning to use dicamba products for 2024 to receive and use them during the upcoming growing season.

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One Acre, One Image: Taranis’ Commitment to Unparalleled Crop Intelligence

Short, to the point, and chock-full of the information you need to make the most out of every input this season, the Taranis Know2Grow webinar series is just what it says it is. 

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Bridging the Gap: The Top 5 Ways Farmers Can Provide Transparency with Absentee Landowners

Starting a new lease off on the right foot is beneficial for both the landowner and farmer and can be achieved by aligning goals and establishing a transparent relationship built on honesty and trust.

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